Shop the world, save on shipping​

Get the products you want, from anywhere, delivered by trusted travelers.

How it Works

As a Shopper

Tell us your dream item & connect with trusted travelers for global delivery.

Post a request, describe the exact item and any specific details to ensure you get exactly what you desire.

Search for travelers heading from your desired shopping destination and find someone you trust.

Securely pay for your item and Boundty Traveler’s fee through our integrated platform.

Track your purchase in real-time and receive updates directly from your traveler.

As a Traveler

Find deliveries matching your trips. Connect with shoppers for secure rewards​

Specify your upcoming travel destinations and let eager shoppers know what you can deliver for them.

Browse shopper requests going to your travel destinations and choose deliveries that fit your plans and capacity.

Communicate directly with shoppers through the app to arrange pickup and drop-off details.

Deliver the items, receive your pre-agreed delivery fee directly through Boundty’s secure payment system.

Join the Boundty Insider's Club

 Get priority access and launch day offers by entering your email and name.